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abjective - overmind

artwork overmind




download full release (artwork & music): flac-ZIP mp3-ZIP
booklet - pdf
front cover - jpg
stream - mp3
1/9 - abjective - [OVER] - 02:44 mp3 flac
2/9 - abjective - omicron - 03:50 mp3 flac
3/9 - abjective - sacrifice (feat. domainMeta) - 06:00 mp3 flac
4/9 - abjective - dark inside - 04:48 mp3 flac
5/9 - abjective - biointerference - 03:43 mp3 flac
6/9 - abjective - wx2_0 preamp - 03:12 mp3 flac
7/9 - abjective - moloch - 03:48 mp3 flac
8/9 - abjective - new life form - 07:16 mp3 flac
9/9 - abjective - terrarium - 03:15 mp3 flac

music: abjective
mastering: domainMeta
special thanks: joseph fraioli
license: cc-nc-by-nd


die zukunft ist hier. technologien erobern diese welt. aber manches ändert sich nie: ohne den Einfluss des menschlichen faktors ist musik nur klang, elastische wellen mechanischer vibrationen.

OVERMIN[D] - das vierte album von abjective - ist eine perfekte mischung des menschlichen geistes und modularer, analoger sequenzer. musik am rande der menschlichen vernunft auf dem weg in die leere.

the future is now. technologies conquer the world. but some things do not change: without the human factor music is just sound, only elastic waves of mechanical vibrations.

OVERMIN[D] – the fourth album by abjective - the perfect mix of the human mind and modular analog sequencers. it is music on the verge of human reason and the entrance into the void.

last page update : 25.01.2025 / 15.46:56

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