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schwofen_ - schwofen_

artwork schwofen_


1 - schwofen_ - pumpe

2 - schwofen_ - moos

3 - schwofen_ - runkel

4 - schwofen_ - ruebe

5 - schwofen_ - pfad


download full release (artwork & music): mp3
cover - pdf
stream - hifi
1/5 - schwofen_ - pumpe - 14:42 mp3
2/5 - schwofen_ - moos - 10:57 mp3
3/5 - schwofen_ - runkel - 10:10 mp3
4/5 - schwofen_ - ruebe - 09:37 mp3
5/5 - schwofen_ - pfad - 16:50 mp3

profile: schwofen_
composed and performed by: gregor jabs & marius schillak
artwork & cover: schwofen_
mastering: readymedia
licence: cc-by-nc-nd


ambient beats

nimm dir zeit.
lass dir von schwofen_ zeigen, wie anders man ambiente musik machen kann. lass dich umfangen und leiten von mäandernden beats. entdecke die strukturen, spüre die atmosphären und verinnerliche die beats.
aber nimm dir zeit.
denn es wird eine gute zeit.

ambient beats

take your time.
schwofen_ will show you how different ambient music can be made. you will be embraced and guided by meandering beats. discover the structures, feel the atmospheres and internalize the beats.
but take your time.
and it's going to be a good time.

last page update : 01.01.2024 / 09.46:51

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