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nightech - deep space dweller

artwork deep space dweller


1 - nightech - cylenmec

2 - nightech - scretive loce

3 - nightech - doly daer

4 - nightech - meylids

5 - nightech - hnpec polh

6 - nightech - niqer


download full release (artwork & music): mp3-ZIP
mini CD cover - PDF
stream - hifi
1/6 - nightech - cylenmec - 04:21 mp3
2/6 - nightech - scretive loce - 04:37 mp3
3/6 - nightech - doly daer - 04:41 mp3
4/6 - nightech - meylids - 06:34 mp3
5/6 - nightech - hnpec polh - 03:47 mp3
6/6 - nightech - niqer - 05:06 mp3

profile: nightech
artwork design: nightech
cover: aljen


ja, es ist wahr. dieser release wurde mutwillig bis zum herbst zurückgehalten.
denn keiner erschafft klangskulpturen melancholisch und bizarr in unterschiedlichsten grautönen so wie ed "nightech" sherbakoff. düster und neblig, verschwommen und doch stetig in bewegung. ungewöhnliche, fast greifbare strukturen treiben vorbei, vom nebelschwaden kurz vor der dämmerung bis zum mächtigen sternennebel.

yes, it's true. this release was held back on purpose until fall.
because no one creates aural sculptures as melancholic and bizarre, painted in different shades of grey as ed "nightech" sherbakoff does. gloomy and misty, blurred and steadily in movement. unusual, almost tangible structures pass by - from the streak of fog shortly before twilight to vast star clouds.

last page update : 01.01.2024 / 09.46:41

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