1 - hdjtom - power on
2 - hdjtom - where is my guitar ?
3 - hdjtom - leon played guitar
4 - hdjtom - gummy guitar
5 - hdjtom - pat bass pat
6 - hdjtom - power off
download full release (artwork & music): mp3-ZIP
mini CD cover - int
mini CD cover - slim
stream - hifi
1/6 - hdjtom - power on - 02:44 mp3
2/6 - hdjtom - where is my guitar ? - 02:45 mp3
3/6 - hdjtom - leon played guitar - 03:33 mp3
4/6 - hdjtom - gummy guitar - 03:03 mp3
5/6 - hdjtom - pat bass pat - 02:49 mp3
6/6 - hdjtom - power off - 02:30 mp3
starken tobak aus ungarn präsentiert hdjtom auf seiner debüt-e.p. auf tonatom. im stil eines sample-bearbeiters wie akufen, aber mit einem augenzwinkernd-anarchischen ansatz, kreiert der budapester hdjtom kleine meisterwerke in eben jenem shredder, in den er zuvor tonfetzen unterschiedlichster herkunft geworfen hat. eine weitere perle im tonatom-künstlerreigen für hörer, die sich auf musik einlassen wollen, die "ganz weit vorne" ist.
glitchpop music for boys and girls
tough stuff from hungary, this is what hdjtom presents on his debut e.p. release on tonAtom. somewhat in the style of sample wizards like e.g. akufen, but with a more humorous-anarchic approach, the budapest-based artist develops small masterpieces in his very special shredder, which is prepared with samples of the most diverse origins. another pearl among the tonAtom artists, especially for the audience that is ready to listen to "leading edge" music.